Total Drama Action: My Way
The second season was Total Drama Action. This season was 22 episodes long, and this time 15 old contestants were chosen to compete, along with 3 new ones. The final two tied in the last Aftermath, so it was up to fans to decide who would've won. When a contestant was eliminated at the Guilded Chris Awards, they had to take a ride home in the Lame-o-sine. Each contestant that was safe received a Guilded Chris. This season was produced by Chris McClean and Chef Hatchet.
This was the second season of the series.
This is the first season to not take place at Camp Wawankwa.
This season is the second season to have the original 22 contestants competing. (The other three debut).
This season had the most amount of debuts of contestants out of every season.
This season was the first and only season to have fans decide on who the winner is, as it was a tie.
This season has the second to least amount of irregular eliminations. Dj quit after forming an illegal alliance with Chef. Duncan was arrested. Cody quit after becoming depressed.
This season displayed new romantic interests between characters. Noah and Courtney had a thing. Bridgette and Geoff were a couple.
This season introduced new conflicts between characters. Justin became an antagonist and everyone quickly realized that and voted him off. Owen had a real conflict with him as he injured him. Gwen was freaked out by Trent being obsessed over her.
This season introduced no new alliances.
This season took place in an abandoned film lot in Canada.
This season's challenges were based off the challenges from the real CN series.
Antagonists: Heather, Justin
Romances: Noah and Courtney, Bridgette and Geoff
Alliances: --
Friends: Gwen and Noah, Owen and Izzy, Tyler and Duncan, Bridgette and Gwen
Conflicts: Gwen with Trent, Justin with everyone