Total Drama Island: My Way
The first season of this series is Total Drama Island. This season showed the original 22 contestants. The final two were the couple of Lindsay and Tyler. When a contestant was eliminated at the Bonfire Ceremony, they had to take a ride home in the Boat of Shame. Each contestant that was safe received a marshmallow. This season was produced by Chris McClean and Chef Hatchet.
This season was the first season of the series.
This season was the first of three seasons to have the original 22 contestants competing. (Yet only 19 of them are in this season).
This season has the most amount of eliminations, returning players, and double eliminations out of every season.
This season is the first season to have a couple be in the finale.
This season is the first season to show someone become bald.
This season has the most irregular eliminations. Ezekiel was disqualified after finding Chris' house. Dj and Beth were eliminated for blowing up the stage during the challenge. Cody was injured during the football challenge. Izzy quit because of the bickering between teammates. Gwen was voted off from the previous contestants. Owen quit after his buddy Noah was eliminated.
Ezekiel is the first contestant in this season to not have been voted off normally.
This season has the most contestants out of any season.
This season displayed the first romantic interests between contestants. Gwen and Duncan had a thing for eachother and Tyler and Lindsay dated.
This season is the first season to have a new character debut during the season.
This season introduced the first conflicts between contestants. Heather was the main antagonist and hated by pretty much everyone, including Lindsay who she played the whole time.
This season introduced the first alliances between contestants. Duncan, Noah and Owen all teamed up once Owen and Noah became buddies. Heather tried to make one with Lindsay, only to be voted off before her.
This is the first season to be held at Camp Wawankwa.
This season had two huge injuries. Cody being poked in the eye by a football causing him to leave and Heather becoming bald.
Eva is the only contestant in this show to not have been given a symbol of safety, aka a marshmallow.
The Killer Bass originally held the record for most eliminations in a row by a team, at three.
This season's challenges were based off the challenges in the real CN series.

Antagonists: Heather
Romances: Gwen and Duncan, Tyler and Lindsay
Alliances: Duncan, Noah and Owen, Heather and Lindsay
Friends: Noah and Owen, Trent and Gwen, Duncan and Owen, Cody and Beth, Harold and Leshawna
Conflicts: Heather with everyone